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SUNFUN Bravely Tackles Fears & Phobias!

Hi again, Brave Souls, 
     What are you afraid of?  We hear this phrase all the time, 
usually from someone trying to convince us that some risky 
activity is really fun and safe.  Like bungee jumping or 
insulting a motorcycle gang.  Everyone is afraid of something.  
If we have any sense, anyway.  Some fears are probably universal, 
like the fears of falling, disease or death. Many of our fears 
are based on good sense and logic. 
     The more interesting fears - and the funniest ones - are the 
irrational fears, like the fear of round surfaces.  Carried to 
the extreme,this fear can also make people run from bald-headed 
men and pearl-bedecked women.  Sometimes,though,irrational fears 
can bring good.  Did you know that Thomas Edison was afraid of 
the dark?  Sigmund Freud might have had something to say about 
Edison's desire to make an electric lamp, but Freud had 
surprisingly little to say about his own phobias,which included a 
morbid fear of ferns and a fear of travelling by train. 
     Maybe it is the coming 00 year, but the overall fear level 
seems to be rising.  Lately it seems that EVERYTHING is going to 
cause the end of life as we know it.  There is an industry out 
there that feeds on and actively promotes fear.  Have you noticed 
all of the fly-by-night Y2K outfits that have suddenly sprung up?  
I just got a flyer from one the other day.  It starts out 
describing the computer problems that may occur at the end of 
1999, getting more and more irrational right up to the point 
where they want to sell you stuff.  Then they get really clear 
again.  Their product line is mostly survival foods, propane 
stoves, flashlights and portable generators.  If civilization 
really ends, what are these folks going to do?  Refine their own 
gasoline?  Make their own flashlight batteries?  What people 
should really be worried about is that these crooks are 
extracting piles of cash from folks who don't know any better. 
     SUNFUN Thanks this week to our fearless friends and 
contributors:  Sylvia Libin He, Jerry Taff, Timothy McChain, 
Kerry Miller, Laura Hong Li, Fumiko Umino, Sue Yan, Caterina 
Sukup, Peter Adler, Lou Masaru, Karen J. Crooker, David Zach, 
Beth Butler and especially my lightning fast editor, Carol 
     It's funny that we should be talking about fear this week; 
various problems have put me very far behind schedule and I was 
really afraid that I wouldn't be able to get this edition of 
Funnies out on time.  I suppose we could call that FUNIPHOBIA, 
but there are already too many fears in the world. 
     Have A Fearless Week,
     There are only two forces that unite men: fear and 
                            - Napoleon Bonaparte 
                              Famous Fearless French Guy 
     I suppose we've all felt that way at some time or another, 
but Linda Worrall in Nelson, New Zealand had more reason than 
most.  It was the postage stamps. 
     Worrall, who works as a mail sorter, is terribly afraid of 
spiders - arachnophobia.  Like the exceptionally poisonous 
arachnid called a "katipo," currently featured on New Zealand 
     Just seeing the life-sized spider on the stamp gives Worrall 
the shakes.  Which makes life a little difficult if you are in a 
room with tens of thousands of these stamps. 
     "It's hard for people to understand but it's so real," 
Worrall said in an interview. 
     The postal authorities have given her a week of special 
leave, but she's not too optimistic about the outcome.  Worrall 
has tried counseling before without success.  Of course, she may 
be even more afraid of losing her job this time.  (AP) 
     [ Hope she has the problem licked by now... ] 
     The top ten fears?  I thought you'd never ask: 
                1.  Spiders 
                2.  People/social situations 
                3.  Flying 
                4.  Open Spaces 
                5.  Confined Spaces 
                6.  Vomiting 
                7.  Heights 
                8.  Cancer 
                9.  Thunderstorms 
               10.  Death 
     Psychology textbooks typically list more than 150 different 
phobias.  Some of these are quite well known, like claustrophobia 
(fear of enclosed or small places).  Then there are the rest... 
You get the impression that some of the doctors just love to find 
oddball phobias - it's a quick way to get a study into print, for 
one thing.  The following are actual medical terms for real fears 
from various medical texts: 
   - Batophobia - Fear of heights or being close to high 
          [ Does Batman have something to do with this? ] 
   - Chemophobia - Fear of chemicals or working with chemicals 
   - Sinophobia - Fear of Chinese, Chinese culture 
   - Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia - Fear of long words 
          [ Naturally! ] 
   - Blennophobia - Fear of slime 
          [ "Hey, Ghostbusters, I've been blennoed!" ] 
   - Aibohphobia - Fear of palindromes 
          [ Palindromes are words or phrases that spell 
          the same forward as backwards - like 
          Aibohphobia ] 
   - Chaetophobia - Fear of hair 
   - Peladophobia - Fear of bald people 
          [ OK, imagine for a moment the person who has 
          both Peladophobia AND Chaetophibia. ] 
   - Decidophobia - Fear of making decisions 
          [ The modern manager's disease ] 
   - Politicophobia - Fear or abnormal dislike of politicians 
          [ Was that fear or loathing? ] 
   - Chromophobia or Chromatophobia - Fear of colors 
          [ "It's a black and white case of 
          Chromatophobia, doctor!" ] 
   - Cyberphobia - Fear of computers or working on a computer 
          [ Brought on by Windows 98? ] 
   - Athazagoraphobia - Fear of being forgotton or ignored or 
          [ What was that fear again? ] 
   - Vestiphobia - Fear of clothing 
          [ A psychological basis for streaking? ] 
   - Epistemophobia - Fear of knowledge 
          [ A surprisingly common fear, judging by the 
          morons we run into every day. ] 
   - Macrophobia - Fear of long waits 
          [ Doctor, that macrophobic patient has been 
          waiting here for over two hours... ] 
   - Octophobia - Fear of the figure 8 
   - Hellenologophobia - Fear of Greek terms or complex 
          scientific terminology 
          [ It's all Greek to me! ] 
   - Papyrophobia - Fear of paper 
          [ Very common at tax time. ] 
   - Peniaphobia - Fear of poverty 
          [ Also common at tax time. ] 
   - Arachibutyrophobia - Fear of peanut butter sticking to the 
          roof of the mouth 
   - Pteronophobia - Fear of being tickled by feathers 
   - Mythophobia - Fear of myths or stories or false statements 
          [ Of course, this isn't a true fear... ] 
   - Siderodromophobia- Fear of trains, railroads or train travel 
   - Triskadekaphobia - Fear of the number 13 
   - Venustraphobia - Fear of beautiful women 
   - Alektorophobia - Fear of chickens 
          [ So, someone who has Alektorophobia is 
          REALLY chicken? ] 
   - Metrophobia - Fear or hatred of poetry 
          [ There was a young metrophobic 
            Who hated to hear any verse 
            He took a job as a critic 
            Which made matters very much worse ] 
   - Phobophobia - Fear of phobias 
   - Panophobia or Pantophobia - Fear of everything 
     Sometimes, great fears start from truly innocent causes. 
Recently in Jamaica, there was a voodoo scare prompted when a man 
using a public toilet suddenly heard religious music as he went 
about his business. 
     Fearing that he was the victim of a voodoo curse, he quickly 
alerted his neighbors. 
     After much anxiety, someone looked into the pit under the 
toilet and discovered a very wet musical greeting card, quietly 
tinkling out "Silent Night."  (Reuters) 
          Picture your worst fear.  Now don't.  Doesn't 
          that make you feel better? 
© 1999 by Bill Becwar. All Rights Reserved.