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 [ BACK]  [NEXT]                       Issue #116 - 11/01/1998


Democrats & Republicans, Bill & Monica, and Other Odd Couples...

Hello again, Fellow Voters!
     I hesitated doing anything on politics this year because of
real life.  You have no idea how discouraging it is to realize
that I'll never be funnier than the Clinton presidency and the
circus surrounding it.  While talking about the Starr Report's
descriptions of oral sex, Sam Donaldson had his eyebrows arched
so high that his toupee almost fell off.  No amount of humorous
exaggeration or clever writing can get close to that.  To
paraphrase Mark Twain, humor can't exceed truth because humor can
only cover what's  possible.
     It's election time here in the U.S. - and that's a warning. 
It's the time of lie's, damned lies, and political ads.  For the
next couple of days, we won't be able to turn on the TV without
hearing one partisan ad or another.  Congress hurried to get
things wrapped up with the All-Starr Circus so they could get
back to campaign in their home districts.  Or at least, hide out
in a Monica-free zone for a while.  Good thing for the Congress
that the Communication Decency Act was struck down by the Supreme
Court, or they might have all been up on charges for publishing
the Bill & Monica story online.  Have we really come to the point
when the U.S. Congress is in direct ratings competition with the
Jerry Springer Show?  Our politicians seem to be trying to prove
the old joke about politics being the entertainment branch of the
legal profession.
     When I'm feeling really down about this I think about
Senator and Astronaut John Glenn, who went back into space this
week.  I think how nice it would be if all of the senators and
congresspeople were able to experience the wonders and
perspective of space flight, especially if the rest of us left
down here on Earth could choose which ones get to land again.
     Special Thanks this week to Bill & Monica, for giving all of
us something to debate, and to our friends and contributors:
Laura Hong Li (Derek and Junog, too), Caterina Sukup, Jerry Taff,
Nnamdi Elleh, Sylvia Libin He, The Peterson Family, Beth Butler,
Peter Adler, John Adler, Carol Becwar, Bob Martens, Dale
Frederickson, Kerry Miller, Howard Lesniak and Sue Yan.  Now get
out there and vote - it at least gives you the right to
     Have a Great Week!


     One reason that politicians hate journalists so much is that
we have this tendency to remember brash statements that they made
in the past.  Things pinch a little when the shoe is on the other

     "Yes, the president should resign.  He has lied to the
     American people, time and time again, and betrayed
     their trust.  He is no longer an effective leader. 
     Since he has admitted guilt, there is no reason to put
     the American people through an impeachment.  He will
     serve absolutely no purpose in finishing out his term;
     the only possible solution is for the President to save
     some dignity and resign."
                            - Bill Clinton, regarding President
                              Nixon in 1974


     "Public media should not contain explicit or implied
     descriptions of sex acts.  Our society should be purged
     of the perverts who provide the media with pornographic
     material while pretending it has some redeeming social
     value under the public's 'right to know'"
                            - Kenneth Starr, in a 1987 interview
                              with Dianne Sawyer


     Some people have noticed similarities between this year's
most popular movie video, "Titanic," and Clinton's grand jury
testimony video:

   - Titanic: Available for $19.99 on the Internet
     Clinton: Available for $9.99 on the Internet

   - Titanic: over 3 hours long
     Clinton: over 3 hours long

   - Titanic: The story of Jack and Rose, their forbidden love, a
               subsequent catastrophe
     Clinton: The story of Bill and Monica, their forbidden love,
               a subsequent catastrophe

   - Titanic: Villain - White Star Line 
     Clinton: Villain - Ken Starr

   - Titanic: Jack is a starving artist 
     Clinton: Bill is a B.S. artist

   - Titanic: In one part of the story, Jack enjoys a good cigar
     Clinton: Same for Bill

   - Titanic: During ordeal, Rose's dress gets ruined 
     Clinton: Same for Monica

   - Titanic: Jack teaches Rose to spit 
     Clinton: *** [CENSORED] ***

   - Titanic: Behind the scenes, Leonardo DiCaprio is wildly
     Clinton: Behind the scenes, Bill has a 70% approval rating

   - Titanic: Jack surrenders to an icy death 
     Clinton: Bill goes home to Hillary


     Many Americans are convinced that the best thing to do is
get rid of Bill Clinton.  Well, has Martin Lee got a deal for
you.  Lee, the chairman of Hong Kong's Democratic Party said that
he'd like to trade Hong Kong's chief executive, Tung Chee Hwa,
for Clinton, sex scandal and all.
     "In Hong Kong we have a chief executive who has an extremely
moral character, but has shown absolutely no leadership," Lee
     An outspoken critic of Hong Kong's new leaders, Lee and
other pro-democracy candidates scored a stunning victory in last
May's elections for the Hong Kong legislature - the first
elections held in the former British colony since China assumed
control in 1997.
     And what does Lee think will ultimately happen to Clinton?
     "The American people will decide, which is what democracy is
all about."  (Reuters)
          [ How about taking Bill, Newt and two
          Congressmen to be named later? ]


     Larry Flynt, publisher of notoriously raunchy pornographic
magazines, offered Special Prosecutor Ken Starr a job, once he's
done with the Clinton investigation.  In a open letter, Flynt
offered Starr the position of "adviser on pornography," with his
publishing company.
     "The quality and quantity of material you have assembled in
the Starr report contains more pornographic references than those
provided by Hustler Online services this month," Flynt said in a
letter to Starr.  He further stated that he thought the
widespread availability of the report would increase acceptance
of pornographic material in society.
     Flynt pointed out that this month's "Hustler" magazine, for
example, had 44 graphic references to genitalia, while the Starr
report had 50, Flynt wrote.  (Reuters)
          [ Ken Starr was reported to have replied,
          "Close, but no cigar." when asked about his
          possible interest in the offer. ]



     Newell Daughtrey, Democratic candidate for Florida
     state comptroller - the state's top financial office -
     revealed that that he owed $52,000 on 23 different
     credit cards.


     The People's Republic of Vietnam, who recently revised
     ethics rules to put a cap on the outrageous fees given
     to politicians for speaking to various civic groups. 
     The new rules cap appearance fees at 100,000 dong for
     national speakers and 30,000 dong for politicians in
     local offices.  That's $7.60 and $2.30, respectively,
     by the way.


     Paula Sage, a 39-year-old attorney, who's a candidate
     for associate district judge in the Oklahoma county of
     Pottawatomie.  Anonymous flyers appeared which included
     a photo taken at a  private Halloween party in 1990
     showing the candidate for judge topless.


     The State of Florida.  State officials doing a computer
     check of voter records found that voter registration
     rolls included over 50,000 convicted felons, 47,000
     people registered to vote in more than one community
     and 17,702 dead people.


     Texas state legislator Larry Evans, who was found dead
     in his apartment in 1991, apparently having died quite
     some time before.  Quite a surprise, since Evans was
     listed as having voted on at least one bill the day he
     was found.


     Byron Low Tax Looper, Property Assessor for Putnam
     County, Tennessee, who has been arrested and charged
     with the murder of his political opponent, State
     Senator Tommy Burks.  A worker on Burk's farm fingered
     Looper as the assailant who shot Burk on October 19th. 
     Looper was already under indictment for misuse of
     office and theft, and a defendant in a civil lawsuit
     brought by a former girlfriend, who charged that Looper
     had illegally transferred ownership of her home to
     himself.  And yes, "Low Tax" is really his middle name;
     he legally changed it from Anthony earlier this year in
     a political move.  Looper pleaded innocent to the


     Don Carroll, Democratic candidate for U.S. Senate in
     Oklahoma, who was forced into a runoff ballot after his
     opponent,  Jacquelyn Ledgerwood, won 20% of the vote,
     despite her failure to campaign for the seat.  That
     would have been difficult, since Ledgerwood died more
     than a month before the primary.  (By the way,
     Legerwood did even better in the September runoff
     election, commanding 25% of the vote).


     Diane Ellis, Democratic candidate for a seat in
     Florida's House of Representatives, complained to state
     election monitors that her opponent, Republican Gus
     Bilirakis was dead, and that an actor was fraudulently
     impersonating him.  In a poorly written letter faxed to
     Citizens for Fair Campaign Practices in Pinellas
     County, Florida, she claimed that: "My Republican
     candidate Gus Bilirakis is a fake. His name is Danny
     Divito/New York from Washington D.C. 40 years of age -
     Greek..."  Bilirakis denied the claim that he was dead. 
     He further joked that, since he is quite short, Ellis 
     may have been referring to Danny DiVito, the well-known


     Charles King, the incumbent dictator of Liberia in
     1928, who won an election over his opponent, Thomas
     Faulkner by over 600,000 votes.  At the time, Liberia
     had only 15,000 registered voters.


     Phillipine President Joseph Estrada, who recently gave
     up his chauffeur and started driving his own car to
     work.  Popular former actor Estrada is known for his
     unpretentious style.  He dislikes the Presidential
     Palace and continues to live in his own home, often
     answering the phone himself, rather than relying on a
     secretary.  Estrada also has a habit of slipping away
     from formal banquets, preferring to eat at home with
     his wife.  And, at a recent central bank anniversary
     celebration, he joined a choir singing some of his
     favorite songs.


     Vladimir Zhirinovsky, the nutball Russian politician
     known locally as "Mad Vlad," offered his advice to
     President Clinton on how to handle the Lewinsky scandal
     - stay home and marry Monica. Zhirinovsky ventured that
     Clinton shouldn't be allowed to visit the Russian
     Chamber of Deputies, stating that:  "We, as individuals
     with high moral character, would prefer not to meet a
     person who still can't sort out his relationship with
     his secretary,"  It should be pointed out that the
     "highly moralistic" Zhirinovsky once beat a female
     deputy on the floor of parliament, has had numerous
     drunken confrontations, promotes a brand of vodka with
     his face on the label, and made a film in which he
     fooled around with a group of naked women.

© 1998 by Bill Becwar. All Rights Reserved.